Data description

Please fill the form with all the data available for your stock, if you are not sure about the value of some category please enter 'NA'. If a field heading is underlined you can hover over for a more detailed description.

Based on:

Carruthers T, Hordyk A (2020). DLMtool: Data-Limited Methods Toolkit. R package version 5.4.5,

Catch data

Enter the unit for catch data in the field above, e.g. "Tonnes".

Abundance Index

Enter the unit for abundance index data in the field above, e.g. "Tonnes".

Annual fishing effort

Catch at age

Catch should be in individuals.

Catch at length

Length should be in mm, catch should be in individuals. All bins should have a number in, apart from the final column which is the maximum length. For the final column all years should be NA. All length bins should be the same length.


Coefficient of variation

CV is a measure of imprecision, i.e. how imprecise you think this value could be

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Please Note: Care should be taken in using the outputs of the analysis for management purposes as a solid background and training in stock assessment are required for interpretation

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